Gold Medal Software 2
Gold Medal Software Volume 2 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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GT POWER 16.00
o 1. Custom menus. For the main menu and the message base submenu.
It is now possible to hook a door type program, of your choosing, into
the either the main host mode menu or the message base submenu. New
lines have been added to the SYSOP.BBS file to accomodate these custom
menus. As follows:
The first line, MENU=, is used to define custom items for the main host
mode menu. The second line, MMENU=, is used to define custom items for
the message base submenu. Here is an example of how it might look:
"MENU=[MR]modread;Z;Enter data:;[ZV]zipview;Z;&"
The letters inside the brackets are used by callers to select the
custom command, the name following the left bracket is the name of
the batch file to be executed, followed by the access level required
to use the command, then a prompt for information to be passed to the
batch file. If the prompt begins with '&', then the batch file does
not overlay GT Power. This syntax is exactly the same as that used
below for "MMENU=".
However, the actual interface to the batch file is somewhat different
from the standard door interface. The first three parameters, are
unchanged, as follows:
Param Description
----- -----------
1 The CTTY or REM.
2 The COM port number.
3 The prompted for data.
The last param, param #3, is optional, of course. But, for items on the
MMENU= list, GT Power will automatically add the following two parameters:
4 -Pmsg_path, where "msg_path" is the path to the currently
active message base.
5 The number of the previous message read by the caller.
For example, here is what some command lines might look like:
medit CTTY 1 foobar -PC:\GTBBS\MSGB1 103
Where 'medit' is the name you have assigned to the batch file, CTTY is
the signal that a remote caller is using the system, 1 is the COM port
number, 'foobar' is the data entered by the caller when prompted,
'-PC:\GTBBS\MSG1' is the pathname of the current message base with a
'-P' stuck in front of it, and 103 is the message number last read by
the caller in that area.
Please notice that 'foobar' is optional, if it is not needed, then the
rest of the command line would be slid over. The message path would
become param #3 and the message number would become param #4.
o 2. For LAN users, the maximum number of pids has been raised from 10
to 32. YOU MUST DELETE the old PID_FILE.BBS prior to running the new
version. The format of the PID_FILE.BBS has changed - the CB Handle has
been added to it, and the record length has been increased by 64 bytes.
In addition, the CB Simulator has been upgraded. The @who command now
uses the PID_FILE.BBS for its input, so it is more reliable and contains
more information. A new screen has also been added to the CB Simulator,
GTGREET.BBS, which will be displayed to the caller after entering the
CB Handle. And an automatic @who command is executed, so that the caller
will not wonder if anyone is available for a chat. The CBGREET.BBS file
should be short and to the point, i.e. introduce the automatic @who list
and tell the caller to use '?' for help.
o 3. Many people have asked for a more structured approach to bulletins.
It is now available. First, only numeric bullets are used. If a number
is shown or entered with a '.' contained within it, then the '.' is
removed and ignored - it is just a noise character. Therefore, 1.0 would
be equal to 10, 1.2.0 would be equal to 120, etc. The GTBMENU.BBS file
is stored either in the GTPATH or the BBS/CBS directory, the numbered
bulletins are still stored in the "Default File Directory". Any of the
numbered bullets may be menus, i.e. GT will not automatically return to
GTBMENU.BBS when they have finished being viewed, thus a new letter
command is required, (M) for return to the (M)ain Bulletin Menu
(GTBMENU.BBS to be exact). Each numbered bullet file that is actually a
submenu file should begin with a line that contains only ";BMENU", in
uppercase. GT Power stacks these submenus internally, so it is possible
to pop back to the previous menu, the new letter command (P)revious Menu
has been added to allow this to occur. The stacking of bullet menus does
have a limit - not counting the main bullet menu, you may stack up to 5
levels deep. If you exceed 5 levels, it will continue to work, but the
(P)revious Menu command may stop functioning, as it can no longer track
the extra bullet menus.
For example:
1.0 General bulletins
1.1 Game bulletins
1.3 Network bulletins
1.4 Political bulletins
In file 10 (point 1.0):
1.0.0 Rules of the board
1.0.1 How to get more time
1.0.2 How to get better access
In file 100 (point 1.0.0):
There is only 1 rule on this board:
Do not use profanity
In file 101 (point 1.0.1):
You can get more time by reading the bulletins
and participating in the message bases.
In file 102 (point 1.0.2):
If you want to download alot of files, you can get
better access by uploading files that are of value
to this board.
Please note, each of the points shown above is a separate numbered file
in the "Default File Section".
I hope you get the idea and that it is not necessary for me to carry
on with the hierarchy for 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. It would be pretty much
the same sort of stuff. Once you see how it is done, you should be
able to do it easily for other bullets.
o 4. A new internal protocol - Ymodem-G. It is very fast. But a
single error will ruin the transfer. This protocol has no error
correction. Although it can detect errors, via a CRC mechanism,
use only with MNP modems, for best results. Produces very good
results with the new ultra high speed modems. This protocol preserves
exact file date, time and size; and is a batch protocol.
o 5. The file transfer status windows have been spruced up a bit.
Some new fields have been added, in additon a bar graph of the transfers
progress has been added. The new fields are a dynamic display of the
CPS rate and the estimated time to complete the file transfer.
o 6. Bugs in MegaLink have been fixed. These bugs are of long standing,
and often caused file transfers to hang - especially when buffered modems
were employed. While fixing the bugs, I have also streamlined the error
correction mechanics so that it is much faster than previously. Overall,
the protocol is the same speed as before, on clean lines. But it should
be faster, now, on dirty lines.
o 7. Ymodem Batch now preserves the file date, time and size. This
information is now passed using the standard Ymodem header block. This
same header block is also used by the new Ymodem-G protocol.
o 8. The minimum length of passwords required by the host mode is now
configurable. It may be set anywhere from 0 to 9 characters in length.
This is done by actually changing the prompt to the caller which appears
in SYSOP.BBS. As follows:
"Password is too short[!] Must be [4] - [20] characters."
This line appears in the SYSOP.BBS file on line 158 (I think). It
specifies that the password must be at least 4 characters long. If
you change it to this:
"Password is too short[!] Must be [6] - [20] characters."
Then new callers must supply at least 6 characters in their personal
password. This may not be set above the single digit level. Permissible
values are '0' through '9'. '0' meaning that there is no limitation.
o 9. Many have asked for an expansion of the result code table to
accomodate new modem models. This is a real "Catch-22" situation.
Rather than add new entries to the result code table, I have taken
the following steps:
a) The entries in the result code table have been widened
to approximately 50 characters. About as wide as the
screen will allow.
b) "Smart Result Code" handling has been implemented. GT Power
is now be able to recognize various CONNECT results
that are not in the table, but the modem must be setup
to return "verbose" result codes.
GT Power will look for the word CONNECT, followed by a number,
followed by some sort of code word. If this sequence is
found, then GT Power will be able to recognize it and make
sense out of it. The presence of the code word will be
taken to mean that some form of error correction is being
used by the modem.
o 10. Due to the addition of "Smart Result Code" handling, an addition
has been made to the baud rate setup window under Alt-I. This window
now allows the sysop to specify the minimum host baud rate that is
acceptable. The caller will receive a message informing him/her of
the reason for the disconnect and this occurence will also be logged.
See the new entries for this purpose at the end of the SYSOP.BBS file.
o 11. When a caller asks to download a file, GT Power will now be able
to supply default extensions. The extensions to be used for the default
are supplied by the sysop in the SYSOP.BBS file. As shown by the entry
This line appears near the end of the SYSOP.BBS file. As with the
"MENU=" line, this line follows very strict and regular rules. A single
space seperates each entry on the line, each entry is given with a leading
'.' and in UPPERCASE. 20 extensions may be specified, but it is doubtful
whether it is desirable to specify more than 4 or 5. The delay in the
seach required would become a burden, if too many are specified.
To activate the default, the caller must ask for the file without any
extension, like this:
Which would cause GT Power to look for "foobar.zip", "foobar.lzh" and
"foobar.arc" (assuming the default entry in SYSOP.BBS, shown above).
Or the caller might specify it like this:
Which would have the exact same result.
However, if the caller specified it in the following manner, then the
default extensions would not be scanned:
The usage of the period, or of any extension explicitly, will stop
GT Power from searching through the default extensions.
o 12. The CIS "B" protocol has been dropped back to a regular external
protocol status. Because of this, there was room made available to
expand the external protocol table to 16. No big deal. But a step in
the right direction <grin>.
The main reason for moving CIS "B" to a regular external status was to
allow for an easier transition to newer CIS protocols, like the QuickB
protocol, and to make the [C] menu character available to those that
wish to use it for other protocols, such as Cmodem.
o 13. Many have asked for a "frontend" type interface for usage with
GT Power. I have long resisted it. But it is now available. If you
wish to use a frontend program with GT Power, you must setup things so
that GT Power is invoked with the following new command line option:
If you wish to disable the dropping of DTR by GT Power, you should use
the /D option, in addition.
The 'nnnnn' is the DCE baud rate that the incoming call is at. And the
'm' is the port number that the call is coming in on.
For example: /F:%1:%2 /D
Assuming that the frontend program passed the baud rate as %1 and the
COM port and %2, and you wanted to disable the DTR drop in GT Power.
DOS might expand this to something like this:
Assuming that the call was at 2400 baud on COM1:.
When the caller logs off the system (or drops carrier), GT Power will
execute a exit to DOS with an ERRORLEVEL 254. When used with a frontend,
GT Power will never need to perform the "quit 255", since it always
returns control to the frontend program via the ERRORLEVEL 254 exit.
You should make sure that the batch file traps this ERRORLEVEL as required
and returns control to the frontend program. See the documentation that
comes with the frontend program for further details.
You should configure the frontend program to handle GT CRASH mail, set it
up so that it looks for the "CQCQ" stream of characters, and then invokes
the GTCRASH.BAT file, as required by the MDRIVER program.
o 14. Uploads are now labeled with the name of the uploader. For
example, the first line of the description in the FILES.BBS will now
show "from: John Doe" on the right side (after the dates).
o 15. The message base structure has been altered considerably. The
internal structure of the MESSAGE.CTL and USER_MSG.CTL files has been
altered and enhanced to include new fields - and some fields, not in
current usage, have been removed. All 3rd party authors that wish to
upgrade their software to work with 16.00, should review these changes
very carefully. There is an archive of source code for the utilities
I have written to support the new formats. Please avail yourself of
this source code for a more detailed explanation.
o 16. The messages themselves have been placed into consolidated files.
Each consolidated file can contain up to 10 messages. The consolidated
files are named as follows:
00001.MES Contains messages #1 through #10.
00002.MES Contains messages #11 through #20.
The messages are stored in plain ASCII text format, and contain the same
information as the previous .MSG files. Each message has a header record
to mark the beginning of the message. The format of the header record is:
Col 1 = Ctrl-X
2-4 = 'SOM'
5 = '0' thru '9', depending on the relative position
of the message within the file.
Within 00001.MES, message #2 would have a header of ^XSOM1, where ^X is
the symbol for Ctrl-X. In 00002.MES, message #12 would have a header of
^XSOM1 --- the same as message #2 in 00001.MES. This scheme allows for
the possibility of a "rapid" renumbering. That is, the internal numbers
on the header records are relative, not absolute. Changing the name of
the file, i.e. from 00002.MES to 00001.MES, automatically changes the
message numbers assigned to the messages contained within.
A program is included that will handle the conversion to the new format:
MSGCVT ----- Convert from old MSG format to the new MES format.
The change to the new format has two benefits:
1. Fewer message files are present, thus allowing DOS to operate
more efficiently with a large number of messages.
2. Disk space is more efficiently used. On my system, with about
a dozen message bases, which have an average of 200 messages,
I was able to save over 2 megabytes of disk space as a result
of converting to the new format.
The change to the new format has two drawbacks, that I am aware of:
1. The use of "text threads" is somewhat slower.
2. The (K)ill message command is very much slower. But it is not
often used by callers - mostly Sysops.
The source code for the following programs is available:
These programs handle the new message and user file formats. The SYSOP
program is menu driven and pretty much self explanatory. The DELREN
program is a batch file utility for deleting messages and renumbering
same. You can get a usage report by entering DELREN without any options.
o 17. Univeral download has been implemented. This means that you can
download any file (to which you are entitled) from any file area, without
being *in* the right file area.
This new feature works with an *optional* file database. The program
FILES_DB has been included to allow you to build a file database. If
a file database exists, then 16.00 can rapidly locate it thru the file
database (be sure to rebuild the database if you move files around).
Each time the FILES_DB program is run, it scans the FILES.BBS files in
the directories pointed to by the current GTDIR.BBS and builds a new
FILES.CTL and .IDX from that information. If you have multiple GTDIR.BBS
files, then this process may not be possible (for security reasons).
If you do not have a files database, you can still use the universal
download feature, but it will run slower, as GT Power will individually
scan each directory while the caller is online. This is not too bad, and
is done automatically, as long as there are not a very large number of
files online. Naturally, security is completely enforced, as before.
One impact of this new method is that complete pathnames are now passed
to external protocols. As you can imagine, the command line (max 128
bytes) can be overflowed very quickly. To get around this problem, many
protocols accept a command line parameter to use a list file, instead of
having the files listed on the command line. Usually, the format for
this is "@C:filename". Where the "filename" may include a path. For
dsz port %1 speed %2 handshake both sz @C:/gt/gt_xmit.lst
This is my current ZMTX.BAT file. DSZ is able to handle '/'s in the
pathname, due to its UNIX heritage. Other protocols may not like them,
in which case '\' would be more appropriate. In any case, GT Power now
creates the file GT_XMIT.LST in the GTPATH directory for usage with
external protocols. I believe Superk also supports this syntax, although
I am not sure of the details. Apparantly PCKermit does not support this
type of list transfer. Protocols that do not support this "list transfer"
mechanism will be limited to transfering the number of files that can
be fully specified on the command line (so, it would be good if you used
short sub-directory names <grin>).
The FILES_DB is now used to help eliminate duplicate uploads. The
database is checked for each name before the upload is allowed to
o 18. New lines have been added to the GT.WIN and SYSOP.BBS file to
accomodate the new features. The new lines in the SYSOP.BBS are at the
end of the file. The final line in the SYSOP.BBS file is not a text
line, it is a marker, so that GT Power can tell that the proper number
of lines are in the file (no more and no less). The line starts with
the word "END" in upper case letters. No other line may start with
the word "END". The word "END" is followed by 1 blank then the line
count for the file. This should not change, and it should remain on
the same line, no matter what other change may be made to the file.
o 19. When a new caller logs onto the host mode, GT Power will now
try to confirm that his name has been entered correctly. The program
will prompt the caller in this manner:
Your name could not be located in the user file of this system.
Was your name entered correctly? [y/N]
The caller will get two tries at this message, if the caller answers 'N'
then GT Power will ask for his name again. If it is still not found in
the user file, the program will come back to this prompt. If the caller
again answers 'N', then GT Power will stop playing the game and drop the
caller offline.
If the caller answer 'y', then GT Power will prompt the caller for the
normal new caller information.
o 20. Incremental time limit adjustment is now possible. Using the hot
keys ALT- and ALT+. As follows:
ALT- .... Decrement the caller's time limit.
ALT+ .... Increment the caller's time limit.
The amount of the time change is specified in the line at the SYSOP.BBS
file that says something like this:
"\n\n5 min. increment\nOld time limit = %3d min.\nNew time limit = %3d min.\n"
The number that appears after the "\n\n" is the increment in minutes.
o 21. The screen length is now configurable on an individual caller basis.
When a new caller logs onto the system, it will ask how long his screen
is. The permissible values are 7-999 lines. Values outside of that range
will be assumed to be 24, the default. This may also be changed by the
caller when he selects the (Y) option from the main menu.
o 22. A new host mode screen variable is available for usage with
^U lines. It is 'G' and will display the current setting for the
screen length. Here is a example:
^U"Screen Length = "G" lines."
Of course, the sysop would actually embed a real Ctrl-U character
instead of ^U, which is just the symbolic representation of Ctrl-U.
The caller would see this as the result:
Screen Length = 24 lines.
o 23. EGA/VGA 43/50 line mode is now supported. A toggle for this mode
has been added to the Misc. Options screen under Alt-I, #30. Things like
the phone directory and view file commands have been ehanced to support
the longer screen lengths.
o 24. The name of the previous caller to the host mode is now displayed
on the screen while waiting for the next caller. This information, the
name of the previous caller, has been added to the UPSINCE.BBS file.
So, if you take host mode down, the name of the previous caller is lost.
o 25. The S/N is now displayed by the program when the user selects the
(V) option from the main menu. The purpose of this is to try and put a
stop to illicit copies of GT Power floating around.
o 26. GT Power is now DESQview(tm) aware. Every attempt is made to give
up spare time to DV, so that other windows do not suffer when GT Power is
idle. Also, GT Power will write directly to the DV shadow video buffer.
This greatly speeds video output under DV. If you are using DV with this
version of GT Power, set GT Power's BIOS video option to FALSE - this will
allow GT Power to write directly to DV. Then you must configure DV's
window running GT, so that DV understands that GT won't write directly to
the screen. Also, you should tell DV to virtualize the screen output.
Otherwise bleed through may occur. It is working great on my 386sx with
DV 2.26 and QEMM 386.